Montana Draft Horse & Mule Association

Dedicated to Promoting and Preserving Draft Animals in Montana

The Happy Harness & Hardware Hoarder!

Dear Fellow Montana Draft Horse and Mule Association members:I have been accumulating a lot of old harness parts when people give me their old, unused harnesses. I seem to have made a hobby of taking the old parts, discarding the truly worn out pieces and then trying to scrub, clean, oil, and restore the parts that have any good use left in them. So here is a deal you might be interested in.

Need a harness part? Email me and see if I have it. It might be a strap, a tug, or any other part of the harness. I don't get many collars, as most of us hang on to them, but there are lots of other parts. Here's the good part. THERE IS NO CHARGE TO YOU FOR THE PART IF I HAVE IT. Sounds nuts, I know. I've been giving away parts for some time and once someone gave me a little cash for oil and Leather new, and that was nice, but not really necessary. I'll mail it to you, or take it to the next meeting, or meet you when you are coming through Billings area, or any other way you want to get it. Also, if you have a broken part, I may be able to repair it. I have quite a collection of hardware too, but some of the clips that always break I am in short supply of.

Second: if you have any old harness that I can attempt to restore, how about giving it to the cause rather than let it rot in your barn. I'll clean it all up and add it to the give-away pile of pieces. I can meet you at MDHMA meetings if I can get there, or if you are driving by Billings, I have a place you can drop it off 24/7. Email me and we can work something out. I would like to ask that those receiving free parts would be a member of the Montana Draft Horse and Mule Association. This is meant to be a benefit of being a member. If you need a part that costs much at all, it would be a win/win deal to join, re-join, or pay up your dues so you can get the part. I'm pretty loose with it all but we really do need to support the association and be part of it.

Trying to keep you hitched and rolling: ED JORDEN or (406) 254-1267

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